Gray-Breasted Parakeet
The Gray-breasted Parakeet of Brazil is a species of parrot that is endangered but recent conservation efforts have kept the species from extinction . Habitat loss and poaching have reduced the population of this species to just around 1,000 individuals and almost all of these birds rely on one isolated hilltop forest in Brazil. This species is located in The Baturité Mountains of northeast Brazil. Habitat loss is the biggest threat to this species, and they have also been harmed in illegal pet trading and captured for sale. We should care about protecting this species, because birds are an important part of our envionment that we tend to take for granted since it seems they are abundant, but without them it would cause huge problems in our eco system. Birds are very important to the envionment because they serve so many functions in the eco system. They are "pest control", eating insects, fish, larvae, and dead animals. They help to disperse seed...