Gray-Breasted Parakeet

The Gray-breasted Parakeet of Brazil is a species of parrot that is endangered but recent conservation efforts have kept the species from extinction. Habitat loss and poaching have reduced the population of this species to just around 1,000 individuals and almost all of these birds rely on one isolated hilltop forest in Brazil.

This species is located in The Baturité Mountains of northeast Brazil. 

Habitat loss is the biggest threat to this species, and they have also been harmed in illegal pet trading and captured for sale. 

We should care about protecting this species, because birds are an important part of our envionment that we tend to take for granted since it seems they are abundant, but without them it would cause huge problems in our eco system. Birds are very important to the envionment because they serve so many functions in the eco system. They are "pest control", eating insects, fish, larvae, and dead animals. They help to disperse seeds, which helps plants spread and grow. Without birds or with birds in fewer numbers we would have insect infestations, less plants growing without seeds being spread, and more dead animals lying around, potentially leading to diseases.

Bird species must be protected so they can continue to serve these important functions to our envionments, and keep the ecosystem in balance. 

After a decade of conservation efforts that included providing nest boxes, the population has seen a significant increase in size from less than 250 to upwards of 1,000 individuals. This caused it's status to change from being considered critically endangered to endangered.

According to, In the last five years, a successful nest box program has added 300 chicks to the Gray-breasted Parakeet population!

Geography of the region that Gray-Breasted Parakeets live in has been extensively researched in order to protect the species. The Loro Parque Fundación the Brazilian NGO Aquasis carried out a project tofurther understand the true geographic distribution of the species, during 2012 and 2013 the team conducted a thorough survey of more than 4,000 km2 and held over 100 interviews with local peoples. This research helped to understand exactly where the species is still around, and can serve as a tool to determine what areas need protection and attention.

The progress towards conservation efforts for this species is great, but there is still more work to be done, and things you can do that can help other endangered species.

Ways you can help include:

1. Organizations ABC and Aquasis are working to double the size of the successful nest box program over the next two to three years. In addition, the partners plan to relocate 20 to 35 Gray-breasted Parakeets to an area 20 miles away to establish a second population within a protected habitat. You can donate and learn more about their efforts here:

2. Endangered parrot species are hunted for their feathers, and also for illegal pet trade. You can spread awareness others on why these parrots should not be taken as pets, and support laws to create more consequences for selling these animals. This species has been affected by internation cage bird trade, so just because they're from Brazil could still be taken to places that could even affect you!

3. Coffee plantations are one of the major reasons for this species habitat being destroyed. You can stop supporting deforestation by making sure your coffee is sustainably sourced. Two certifications to definitely look for are The Rainforest Alliance and Australian Certified Organic.

4. Support resources and training to teach people in these areas about this endangered species, so that they will not be captured for the illegal pet trade. Many local people in these areas don't even know the species is endangered. You can donate to increase these educational programs here:

5. Opt to have coffee at home instead of at a coffee shop. Not only can you save money, but you can be sure that you choose sustainable coffee options instead of being in the dark about where things are sourced from.


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